Party with Pink Poppy Blog

Baseball Party - Batter Up! Chase is 4
Batter up Chase is 4! This Americana baseball party styled by mom Kristin is full of home run details. The centerpiece of the party is the amazing personalized scoreboard, rounded out with peanut centerpieces, and lots of baseball inspired treats....
Little Man Bow Tie 1st Birthday Party
What do you do when you're little boy is turning one and his nickname is Mr Jack? You throw him a Little Man birthday party! Like his big sister, it seems Jack had a color theme his first year. Everything from...
{Plan Your Party} Garden Tea Party for a Special 1st Birthday
I knew when Ella was only one or two months old, what the theme of her first birthday party was going to be. I was in the habit of buying flowers for our living room and every time we sat...
{Plan Your Party} The Circus Came To Town {Ben is One!}
If you have been following my Instagram feed or follow me on Facebook, you have probably caught a glimpse of this party that I worked on in March. A good friend's son was turning one and I helped to make...